Entries & Returns
Annual Enrollments
The next two sets of charts below show the total enrollments during the past 12 months for both existing clients (in blue) and new clients (in green). Total enrollments include any enrollment that was active during the past 12 months, meaning it could have started before or during the past 12 months, and ended during or after the past 12 months.
- The first tab shows all enrollments for these groups in the past 12 months. This will include multiple enrollments for the same client if they were enrolled in multiple programs.
- Tab 2, Race and Ethnicity, shows the total number of clients by Race and Ethnicity.
- Tab 3, Age Group, shows the total number of clients by Age Group.
- Tab 4, Household Type, shows the total number of clients by Household Type.
Because counts represent total clients rather than enrollments, tabs 2, 3, and 4 will show lower totals than tab 1.
Total Enrollments for the Past 12 Months from February 2025
New Enrollments for the Past 12 Months from February 2025
Returns to Homelessness
This set of charts shows system trends for Returns to Homelessness, following the HUD definition of any time a client returns to the system within 2 years of exiting a project, from one of the project types to the right, to a Permanent Housing destination. In order to allow for the full window of time for a return to occur, this tab contains returns for clients who exited projects to Permanent Housing destinations from February 01, 2022 - February 01, 2023, with a return window of February 01, 2022 - February 01, 2025.
Returns are measured by interventions designed to provide Permanent Housing (Rapid Re-Housing, Permanent Supportive Housing, Housing Only, and Housing with Services) compared to interventions that provide other supportive or crisis interventions services such as Outreach or Shelter.